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Space Between Thoughts

Therese Nicole Reyes

As thought is a precedent for action, to see a thought, a similar action might be observed. Initially an experiment of rendering what is thought of as spontaneous, Space Between Thoughts is an attempt to visualize what occurs before the action of something becoming anything.

Utilizing psychological testing and formal fine arts media as starting points, Reyes realizes this form of unhindered cognition by illustrating six trials composed of forty individual sheets of paper each, with thirteen different media inconstantly. Quickly rendering pieces before conscious doubt kicks in, Reyes taps into the flux between what can and cannot be grasped by the rational mind. By digitally collating the individual illustrations into a continuous loop animation, a sense of finality is released and an unbridled intuitive energy emerges.

Recording one's spontaneous gesture by illustrating and connecting finite works into a continuum, and making technical and reflective notes within this process reference a personal desire to make sense of unknown spaces and a collective desire to harbor nature. Through this form and gesture, Reyes arrives at a poetic consciousness of the artistic process, and a recognition of the nature of thoughts.

Note: This exhibition is best viewed with high-speed internet. Please allow a few minutes for all artworks to load.

Warning: Some images may potentially trigger seizures for people with photo sensitive epilepsy.

Trials 1- 6 in Paper, GIF animation

40 sheets of 100 milliseconds interval per trial, 2019

Click image to enlarge artwork

Trials 1- 6 in Graphite, GIF animation

40 sheets of 100 milliseconds interval per trial, 2019

Click image to enlarge artwork

Trials 1- 6 in Charcoal, GIF animation

40 sheets of 100 milliseconds interval per trial, 2019

Click image to enlarge artwork

Trials 1- 6 in Colored Pencil, GIF animation

40 sheets of 100 milliseconds interval per trial, 2019

Click image to enlarge artwork

Trials 1- 6 in Pen, GIF animation

40 sheets of 100 milliseconds interval per trial, 2019

Click image to enlarge artwork

"The beginning of rationalization, in my case, was marked with the need to fix a composition, most likely from learning that works are a series of stops funneling an inner channel of creativity. But turning off, or in this case racing against, the funnel may sometimes lead to work that isn’t as uncouth as I initially make it out to be."

Trials 1- 6 in Chalk, GIF animation

40 sheets of 100 milliseconds interval per trial, 2019

Click image to enlarge artwork

Trials 1- 6 in Wax Crayon, GIF animation,

40 sheets of 100 milliseconds interval per trial, 2019

Click image to enlarge artwork

Trials 1- 6 in Oil Pastel, GIF animation

40 sheets of 100 milliseconds interval per trial, 2019

Click image to enlarge artwork

Marker-Trial 1-100ms
Marker-Trial 2-100ms
Marker-Trial 3-100ms-v2
Marker-Trial 4-100ms-v2
Marker-Trial 5-100ms
Marker-Trial 6-100ms-v2

Trials 1- 6 in Marker, GIF animation

40 sheets of 100 milliseconds interval per trial, 2019

Double click image to enlarge artwork

Click and drag to move artwork

Notes and Reflections

Click to view

"Intuitively used random found objects as tools for production – palette knife, tissue paper, feathers, own hand. Also, worked beyond the composition."

Artist's Notes for (Oil, Gouache, Watercolor)

Watercolor-Trial 1-100ms
Watercolor-Trial 2-100ms
Watercolor-Trial 3-100ms
Watercolor-Trial 4-100ms
Watercolor-Trial 5-100ms
Watercolor-Trial 6-100ms
Gouache-Trial 1-100ms
Gouache-Trial 2-100ms
Gouache-Trial 3-100ms
Gouache-Trial 4-100ms
Gouache-Trial 5-100ms
Guoache-Trial 6-100ms

Trials 1- 6 in Watercolor, GIF animation

40 sheets of 100 milliseconds interval per trial, 2019

Double click image to enlarge artwork

Click and drag to move artwork

Trials 1- 6 in Gouache, GIF animation

40 sheets of 100 milliseconds interval per trial, 2019

Double click image to enlarge artwork

Click and drag to move artwork

Acrylic paint-Trial 1-100ms
Acrylic paint-Trial 2-100ms
Acrylic paint-Trial 3-100ms
Acrylic paint-Trial 4-100ms
Acrylic paint-Trial 5-100ms
Acrylic paint-Trial 6-100ms
Oil paint-Trial 1-100ms
Oil paint-Trial 2-100ms
Oil paint-Trial 3-100ms
Oil paint-Trial 4-100ms
Oil paint-Trial 5-100ms
Oil paint-Trial 6-100ms

Trials 1- 6 in Acrylic Paint, GIF animation

40 sheets of 100 milliseconds interval per trial, 2019

Double click image to enlarge artwork

Click and drag to move artwork

Trials 1- 6 in Oil Paint, GIF animation

40 sheets of 100 milliseconds interval per trial, 2019

Double click image to enlarge artwork

Click and drag to move artwork

"It's impossible to completely escape our thoughts while being aware of doing so, let alone actively record it. The result then is a collection of fragments that can only be contained by its impossibility."

Artist's Notes and Reflection

Artist's Profile

Therese Nicole Reyes (b. 1990) is a Manila-based visual artist. She has a degree in BS Psychology from Ateneo de Manila University, and a BFA Major in Painting degree from University of the Philippines - Diliman, where she graduated summa cum laude. Reyes has exhibited at the University of the Philippines, Erehwon Center of the Arts, Underground, 1335 Mabini, and Tin-aw Art Gallery. She received the Loyola Schools Award for the Arts for Illustration, and the Gawad Tanglaw (Outstanding Thesis) Award.


Artist's CV

as of September 2019

Click file to download

Artist's Portfolio

as of September 2019

Click file to download

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